School Recycling Tips

Improve Recycling at School

Top 10 tips to improve the school recycling rate

1) Assign an Eco-Coordinator role to a member of staff

2) Gather a green team of pupils who meet regularly every term

3) Have a green team recycling monitor checking the recycling in your school – a prize can be given to the best performing class

4) Check to see if you need all your general waste bins. If you can get rid of one make sure you do!

5) Compost/recycle food waste wherever possible. Ensure that kitchen staff are aware and on board.

6) Make sure each room in the school has a recycling/reuse bin (reuse is particularly useful in art/design, but even reusing paper and having a scrap paper tray in each room is a great way to reuse)

7) Hold a zero waste day to encourage the school to be more aware of recycling in school

8) Create an Eco Notice Board which is displayed at a prominent location in the school which encourages more recycling

9) Choose re-use options wherever possible e.g. re-usable water bottles

10) Organise a visit to our Education Centre to learn more about what happens to waste after it leaves your household waste, recycling and garden waste bins.

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page last updated :
5th April 2024