Wakefield Recycles FAQs

Here at @Wakefieldrecycles we have been busy visiting the district. We’ve been getting asked lots of questions so we thought we’d share some answers.


Q. What should go in my brown recycling bin?

Bottles! We’re talking cleaning product bottles, trigger spray bottles, pump action dispenser bottles, drinks bottles, shampoo and shower gel bottles, milk bottles or glass bottles. Their labels can stay on too.

Remember, wash, squash and lids off! This means the items can be recycled and your bin stays clean.

Lids should be off because Lids and tops are often made of different types of materials and they end up reducing the quality of the recycling if they are left on.

We also want your glass jars, drink cans, food tins, tin foil and aerosols in your recycling bin too. Newspaper, paper, card, card egg boxes, cardboard can also go into your recycling bin. This includes envelopes, last year’s yellow pages & takeaway leaflets.

Renewi Tip: Your envelope windows can also go in the Recycling bin- don’t waste any more time pulling them off.


Q: Can I put Christmas Cards in the recycling bin?

Wrapping paper and glittery cards can’t be put in your recycling bin as they contaminate the paper so please don’t put them in the recycling bin. If the card is plain, with no glitter, it is recyclable so it can go in the recycling bin.

Renewi Tip: Rip off the card front & put in the plain back section of the card.


Q. Should I put my recycling in a bag before it goes into the bin?

No thanks! Your plastic bags need to go into the general waste bin to be turned into green energy or taken to the plastic bag banks at our bring sites or supermarkets.

Renewi Tip: Many people now have a re-usable bag and try to refuse single use plastic carrier bags wherever possible. Why not give it a go!


Q. What about other types of plastic packaging – which have a recycling symbol on the packaging?

The only plastic that we recycle in Wakefield are plastic bottles. People are sometimes confused about this and put all types of plastic packaging in their mixed recycling bin – things like margarine tubs, fruit punnets, food trays and yoghurt pots. We want these in the general waste bin so that they can be turned into energy.

Please ignore any codes, symbols or recycling signs on plastic packaging – they do not tell you whether a product can be recycled in Wakefield or not – they simply show what type of plastic was used to make the product. There are thousands of different types of plastic and here at Wakefield we can only accept plastic in the form of a bottle.

Renewi Tip: Many people are now using reusable items and opting for recyclable packaging at the supermarket to reduce the amount of un-recyclable waste they produce.


Q. Can I recycle nappies because it has a recycling symbol on the packet?

Unfortunately, we often find nappies mixed in with the recycling bin contents. Nappies can’t be recycled as they are made from a mixture of materials, they are also usually soiled. So PLEASE put all nappies into your green general waste bin.


Q. What should I do with my household items which are too good to be put in the bin?

We’ve been asked about: VHS, DVD, CD, furniture, fabrics, textiles, rugs, vases, picture frames, books, coat hangers, clothing, shoes, utensils, toys and musical instruments.

If they can’t be re-used, bring them to a Bring Site or Household Waste Recycling Centre. Take them to a good old car boot sale, sell them on Freecycle, Gumtree or Facebook marketplace. Or donate them to a charity shop.


Q. What should I do with blankets and bedding?

Blankets and bedding get tangled in our machinery if they are put into any of the household bins so if they can’t be reused, bring them to the HWRC.

Alternately, clean, reusable blankets, bedding, and towels can be taken to charity shops and homeless shelters in Wakefield. Also, some animal shelters/charities take blankets, bedding, pillows and towels. Give them a call and see if they would like them.


Q. What do I do with my Christmas tree?

Your Christmas tree can be brought to the Household Waste Recycling Centre to be recycled.


Q. What do i do with my batteries?

Batteries can’t go into your general bin or recycling bin, please find your nearest battery recycling point with Recycle Now’s recycling locator.


If you have a question for us, email education.wakefield@renewi.com or ask via our Facebook page.

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    page last updated :
    5th July 2024